Get ready for some savings! For a limited time, Bath and Shower Remodels are BOGO Free! Plus, get a free Entry Door and 18 months of no interest or payments!

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At Baths By Bee, our mission is simple: to transform your home with products of uncompromising quality—and to do it with the highest and most consistent levels of customer care. Whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly bath liner or a completely revitalized shower system, we take a thorough approach to bath remodeling that guarantees a hassle-free process and a long-lasting result.

Why Trust Baths By Bee?

We realize that we’re one of many bathroom remodeling companies in the area, and we’re constantly improving our products and services to stand out as your bath remodeler of choice. From our friendly customer service representatives to our factory-trained installation teams, every Baths By Bee staff member shares our dedication to providing world-class service and top-notch products.

Learn why you can trust Baths By Bee for any kind of bathroom remodeling in Indiana:

  • Experience: We bring over 35 years of home remodeling experience to every project. No bath remodel is too challenging, complex, or customized for our team.
  • Accreditation: As a reflection of our commitment to customer care, we maintain an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau. If you aren’t satisfied, we’ll keep working until you are!
  • Training: Any bath remodel is only as good as the installers, and we work with factory-trained experts for consistently excellent results.
  • Success: Over the last several decades, we’ve worked in more than 50,000 homes across Indiana, earning positive recommendations and a host of happy customers.

Learn More About Our Outstanding Bath Remodeling Today

At Baths By Bee, we love turning mundane homes into elegant showpieces—so call us today to learn how we can enhance your home’s style and comfort with our wide-ranging bath remodeling! To request additional information and a free, no-obligation cost estimate, fill out our convenient online form now.

Baths By Bee Customer Feedback

Of 38 customers surveyed, 7 responded (18%)

Headquarters Baths By Bee

  • 115 Shadowlawn Dr., Fishers, IN 46038
  • (317) 653-6617